Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Business Evolves, Does Your Sales Process?

Sure, there are some tried and true ways to handle sales and customer service that don?t really ever go out of style. However, if a salesperson also continually evolves and improves, they?re likely to stay ahead of the industry curve.

Here are some areas you may want to look at to upgrade your sales process:

Your ?Rolodex?

Are you using a paper system to track client names and numbers?

This may have worked in the past, and it never hurts to have an index of business cards, but you know you can?t always take your paper list of contacts with you. Consider upgrading to a digital CRM format that lets you access information from anywhere.

Not only might a cloud-based contact database provide easy anywhere access to contacts, but it also allows you to add information on the fly that can help you manage your accounts better. You can also share these contact details with management and colleagues for collaboration purposes.

Your Day Planner

The old paper calendar might have worked well for decades in the world of sales but nowadays there are way better ways to manage your time. A digital calendar will help you set alerts so that nothing gets forgotten, it?ll help you book meetings with clients and colleagues, it?ll help you collaborate internally within your company, and more.

Loss of your paper calendar could be catastrophic but the new electronic versions can be backed up so that they can be accessed and updated from anywhere.

Your Sales Spreadsheet

If you?re using a sales spreadsheet to track what?s happening in your sales funnel , this is another outdated approach. What if you lose it? And is it displayed in an actionable way that helps you prioritize your workload and see, really easily, what your numbers are against your actual plan? A CRM tool is a much better approach that can help you not only track information but easily action what is most pressing. Consider reading this article Stop using Excel templates for tracking your sales pipeline? for more info on how a more automated solution could help you.

For example, if you implement a digital sales forecasting and pipeline tool and track your results you can see how effective your processes are at each phase of the sales process.

Using Business Intelligence Tools

Old sales tools didn?t exactly make it easy in terms of account management and business development with accounts.? It wasn?t easy to track old results against plans. Today?s BI tools can help you generate helpful business reports that make it clear to you how you?re really doing and how you might be able to boost results with customers.

There are many other ways to ensure your sales process is continually evolving. It is important to continually update your sales script.? Some companies use the very same? script for each customer instead of tailoring sales and marketing plans depending on the audience.

Reviewing your efforts regularly in terms of how you?re managing existing accounts and how you go after new business can help you make sure that you are going to continue to excel in the world of sales.



Dana Prince writes for Future Simple?s Growth University. Dana blends her passion for entrepreneurship with experience in software licensing sales, product management, online marketing, and SEO writing to run Dana Prince Writing, a web writing agency that creates optimized content that helps websites succeed.

Source: http://www.futuresimple.com/blog/business-evolves-does-your-sales-process/

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