Friday, February 10, 2012

Secrets to a Strong & Happy Marriage | Relationships |

According to a poll of 2,000 happily married couples, having two holidays and two short breaks a year, and enjoying a meal out together at least three times a month adds to the recipe for a successful partnership. Meaningful conversations twice a week and cuddling 11 times in a fortnight can also help says a new study.?

Love & sex
Being affectionate keeps the bond strong, with those happily married couples averaging a lingering kiss six times a week, making love twice a week and saying ?I love you? up to nine times a fortnight. But, as any couple knows, it?s not all sweetness and light. Even happily married couples average at least one healthy argument a week.?

Give & Take
?The research indicates that marriage is all about give and take, and making time for one another,? says Catherine Crone, who is associated with the firm which conducted the study.?

?It is clear that while couples expect a great deal of love and affection from each other, they also understand that a real partnership includes having both deep and meaningful conversations as well as healthy arguments.?

Holidays & Breaks

Taking time out from the daily routine is also fundamental to longterm happiness while regular holidays or short breaks, coupled with nights out for dinner or trips to the pub, all contribute to a healthy relationship,? she said.?

For those who go on two holidays a year, 58 per cent said they liked to go because they were reminded why they loved their spouse. And almost as many said they were more likely to make time for each other on holiday than at any other time of the year.?

Time apart
The survey revealed that while happy couples like to have an evening out together three times a month, they also leave time for a couple of girls? or boys? nights away from their partner to keep their relationship strong. Happily married couples tend to make time for five movie nights at home a month. And most will make romantic gestures, such as cooking a meal, or taking their spouse a cup of tea in bed three times a month.

Source: ANI

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